1. manages the association and determines the representative authority of its separate members;
2. ensures the execution of the decisions of the General Assembly;
3. orders to the property of the association by observing the requirements of this statute;
4. decides on participation in other organisations;
5. decides on the due membership instalments and their size or the size of property instalments
6. prepares and presents a budget project in front of the General Asssembly;
7. prepares and presents a report on the activity of the association to the General Assembly;
8. determines the order and organizes the realization of the activity of the association;
9. fixes the address of the association;
10. adopts rules for its work;
11. decides on appointment of associates of the association as well as on the type of the contracts concluded with them
12. decides on all other questions except for the ones that are from the competence of the General Assembly of the association;
13. manages the finances of the association, conducts documentation and preserves the stamp of the association;
14. The Board of Directors reports anually to the General Assembly for its activity.
The sessions of the Board of Directors are convened by the President by his initiative.
Members of the Board of Directors:
Angel Trakov – President of the Board of Directors
Iliyan Filipov – member
Mladen Traykov – member
Ivan Ivanov – member
Asen Vazheliev – member
Krassimir Sirakov – member
Marin Zhelev – member
Iliya Kosturski – member
Dimitar Rashkov – member
Board of Control
1. observes the fulfillment of the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors;
2. controls the activity of the Board of Directors;
3. checks and controls the financial status, correct management and use of the property of the association;
4. implements internal control for conformity of the financial report with the law by having the right to undertake actions for completion of financial revision;
5. fulfills internal control for conformity of the decisions made by the Board of Directors with the law and for their expediency;
6. has the right to request from the Board of Directors at any time to present information or a report about each question which concerns the association;
7. presents its position with proposals for approval by the General Assembly;
8. does the necessary research in fulfillment of its duties, while its members have access to the entire necessary information and documents;
9. adopts rules for its work;
10. reports annually to the General Assembly for its activity.
Members of the Board of Control:
Dimitar Demirov
Georgi Tsanov
Penko Nestorov